Hello Friend!

Welcome to our home on the web, KossianFarms.com.  Please consider "liking" us on Facebook or signing up for our email newsletter (at the bottom of every page).  We will send notifications of new product availability and occasionally we send out polls asking feedback from our friends.

We started out as with a plan on building a community supported agriculture (CSA) type business and quickly found we had far more passion for honey bees and honey. So rather than split our time and grow huge gardens we focus on raising healthy and strong bee colonies. Our bees work from Snohomish to Skykomish and get moved from one bloom to the next throughout the year. Our goal it to collect 4 varieties of honey each year; maple, blackberry, fireweed and knotweed. Some years the weather ruins a crop (bees can't visit flowers in the rain). Sometimes the bees can't ripen all the nectar before the next flow begins we harvest that as wildflower honey since it contains 2 of more varieties by the time the bees make it ready.

We are very excited to build a relationship with you and we hope that you enjoy our food as much as we enjoy getting it to you! Please browse our catalog and place an order. Mike or Josh will contact you via phone or email to arrange delivery.

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